With winter weather comes heavy snow, and that means streets must be plowed. We want our residents, businesses, and guests to navigate through Converse as safely as possible. Our town plows will be out clearing roads but will prioritize main streets to allow for emergency response vehicles in case of an emergency. We ask that residents be patient in waiting for the employees to plow side streets and alleys.
Residents can help by parking vehicles in driveways, if able to! This will help our plows clear streets faster and safer! For an emergency, please call the Police Department at 911 or the Grant County and Miami County sheriff's office as well.
As a friendly reminder, our Utilities Department is picking up leaves on Mondays only.
Here are a few reminders when getting your leaves ready for pick-up.
The Town of Converse has published its annual Water Quality Report. The EPA requires community water systems to deliver a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), also known as an annual drinking water quality report, to their customers each year by July 1st. These reports provide Americans with information about their local drinking water quality. For more information about water quality reports go to https://www.epa.gov/ccr/understanding-your-annual-water-quality-report